Open Beginning/End Pass Student Contract
Norwalk High School
Open-Beginning/End Pass Student Contract
For Seniors and Juniors ONLY
Dear Parent/Guardian:
As a senior/junior, your student is being offered the privilege of receiving an Open-End Pass for the 2024-2025 school year. Once you give your permission, your student will be given an Open-End pass in each semester where a Study Hall/Open Period exists. (Period 1A/1B and 4A/4B on their schedule in PowerSchool) A student may use the open-end privilege for the beginning and/or end of the day. Students must always carry their passes with them.
Please read the following: If you agree, sign and date the attached contract/permission slip, and have your student check the box and sign the permission slip as well. Please have your student return the signed permission slip to his or her school counselor. No passes will be issued until a signed form is returned. Please retain this page for your reference.
It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all Open-End paperwork from the house office each semester.
Open-End is a privilege. If your student is having academic, attendance, or discipline problems, this privilege will be revoked at the discretion of the administrator, and you will be notified.
Open-Beginning – First Period – Students who have a study hall the first-time block may be granted the privilege of first block open-beginning. Students who arrive earlier and loiter on school grounds and/or roam the halls will have their open-end revoked. This also applies to students who take the school bus. These students must remain in the cafeteria for the entire period if they come to school.
Open-End – Last Period – Students who have a study hall the last time block may be granted the privilege of last time block open-end. Last time block open-end students who loiter in the building or on school grounds will have their open-end revoked. These students must leave campus immediately after the last scheduled class.
Note: Open-end is not an option for underclassmen (sophomores and freshmen).
Permission Slip
For Seniors and Juniors ONLY
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade: _______ House: ______ School Counselor: _____________________________________
Assistant Principal: ________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers:
Home: _____________________Work: _________________________ Cell: ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ___________
**If you have any questions, please contact Dan Sullivan:
Norwalk High School Main line: 203-838-4481 x 13272 Email: (preferred method of contact)
I agree to adhere to the rules as listed in the Open-Beginning/End Student Contract. I understand that my pass will be revoked if I violate this contract.
Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________
School Counselor/Assistant Principal Signature: _____________________________________
Date: __________
Signed Form Received: __________ Pass Issued: ___________