Social Media Awareness
Social Media Awareness
Importance of Social Media in the Context of Career & College Planning
What kind of digital footprint are you leaving? Did you know...
- 40% of college admissions officers browse social media to learn more about students applying to their schools
- Even if your profile is private but your friend tagged you in a post, that post can now be viewed by anyone...even your top choice college admissions office
How to make a positive imprint of yourself
- Like and follow schools on Facebook, reposting posts or interacting with relevant posts by liking them
- Follow schools on Twitter, retweeting posts or tweeting schools directly
- Follow schools on Instagram, like their posts
- Follow school on snapchat
- Do a social media audit of yourself. Google your name and click through every link that shows up on the first 2-3 pages of the search results. Is there anything there that you would not want to share with a teacher or grandmother? Delete the post off the social media site, or ask your friend to delete it from theirs.