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Course Planning

About Course Selection

During the second semester of each school year, extensive plans and procedures are instituted in preparation for the following year. None more important, nor has further reaching implications, than scheduling. It is imperative that both parents and students exercise careful planning prior to making course selections.

Students start to explore post-secondary career plans with the help of their school counselor beginning in their first year of high school using a variety of tools. In the following years, students have numerous opportunities to review and revise their pathway choice based on course experiences, personal interests, research and work-based activities in-group activities or in one-on-one meetings with school counselors.

Using career assessment tools and interest inventories, School Counselors help students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents as these traits relate to career awareness, course selection and post-secondary planning. Career goals are reviewed yearly during the course selection process and in a variety of classroom activities as well as ongoing seminar programs.

School Counselors seek to identify and utilize community resources that can enhance, integrate and complement the comprehensive school counseling program.

Program of Studies School Year 2024-2025

Norwalk High School

23 Calvin Murphy Dr. Norwalk, CT 06851

Dr. Lynne Moore | Principal | Phone: 203-838-4481